Wednesday 3 December 2014

Letter Writing continued

We are continuing our letter writing activities this week. After reading the book "Dear Tooth Fairy", students have written their own letters to the Tooth Fairy. Some other students also chose to write friendly letters to a class friend, "Gus the Goose", who migrated to Florida and has been sending us letters and pictures of his travels. After writing a rough copy of their friendly letter, students highlighted the key components of a letter from a posted checklist to proofread their work. For example, they checked that they included a comma after the greeting and then highlighted it. Once their proofreading was complete, they started their good copies which they are finishing up now. 

There is no new shared reading or word wall words this week. I encourage students to keep up their practice of word wall words at home. We will also be using some class time this week to review them. 

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