Thursday 5 March 2015

Animal Reports, etc.

The students are continuing to use their non fiction animal books to research and write short reports.  Next week I will be splitting the class into two groups. Presenters will sit with one person at a time to answer questions about their animal. We will brainstorm as a class potential questions that can be asked of the presenter- both "thin" questions (questions that can be answered from facts in report itself), and "thick" questions (questions that require a bit more thought, or opinion). The children have really enjoyed writing their reports and seem to have learned a lot of interesting information about their animals to share! 

This week, the word wall word duotang contained words that your child has chosen to practice from past weeks. Next week there will be five more words, as well as a new activity to help practice the words at home. 

We have also been reviewing some of the vowel rules in the classroom, namely the "magic e" and "when two vowels go walking". Some cute you tube videos that explain these rules are:

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