Tuesday 28 October 2014

Posters Continued and Contractions

We continue this week working on our text to world posters. After reading The Lorax, we discussed the importance of taking care of our environment (similar to how the Lorax warned the Onceler in the story). We brainstormed some suggestions and students have been making posters of ways to conserve trees, keep our air clean and conserve water. This ties in to the grade 2 Science unit that they are currently working on with their homeroom teachers.

You will notice that this week's shared reading has a number of contractions in it. I have used this poem as a springboard for talking about contractions: what they are, how they are formed, and why they are used. Students will play a few games in which they are asked to make and deconstruct contractions. They will continue their practice of them next week during literacy centres. There will not be a shared reading next week.

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