Wednesday 14 January 2015

Media and Advertising

This week we have been learning about persuasive devices used in advertising (print ads and commercials). Students have been learning how to identify and think critically about techniques used that make a product more appealing such as: a slogan or jingle; using a famous person (star power); claims of being new, improved, or fast acting; bandwagon (everyone else is using it!, 2 out of 3 people prefer...!); and promoting a product's ability to make you happier or healthier. We have had a lot of really good discussions and it has been a fun week. 

Tomorrow I will be away at a workshop, but I will have my coverage teacher hand out the Word Wall Word Duotangs that I mentioned in last week's post. There is no expectation of when and how often your child will be completing these activities, and I will not be collecting any completed work. I do ask however that your child brings the duotang to school every Monday so that they can add the new weekly words to it. 

Next week we will begin a unit on procedural writing. More on that to come!

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